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December 3, 2020

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Gloria was born into a family where the father wanted a boy, and to a mother who would be killed by the father just a few years later.  She grew up in a house with neither parent, and later was molested and physically abused by her stepfather.  As a young lady, she was nearly murdered by her sister, and later in life, she was nearly murdered by a cousin. 

While Gloria experienced many disadvantages due simply to having been born female, she managed to cope with her circumstances and eventually succeed.  She was very observant, very studious, hard-working, was very courageous, and ended up gaining the confidence of those who were willing to work with her.

As it turns out, Gloria has a very special place in world history.  She is actually known as Queen Elizabeth (I), and was later in life given a title "Gloriana".  She was one of the best monarchs of all time, anywhere, and possibly the most intelligent.  Elizabeth stood up to the foremost world power, Spain, who intended to invade England, and nearly destroyed Spain's navy, twice!  If not for Elizabeth, the New World would be completely different, and the United States quite possibly would not even exist.

There are a number of things to observe in the ultimate success of a woman so victimized from practically the beginning of her life.

  1. She almost always let rational thought prevail over fear.
  2. She learned how to communicate extremely well, including in multiple other languages
  3. She won over a very hostile Parliament that was about to tear her apart over granting of "monopolies" to favored individuals.  She did so with a gifted combination of eloquence and humility.
  4. She bought time and out maneuvered foreign enemies through strategic foreign alliances.
  5. She gave a very inspirational speech to the Navy just before they took on the enormous Spanish Armada.
  6. Her enemies were both men and women.
  7. Her sister, Queen Mary and her cousin, Mary, Queen of Scots tried to destroy her.
  8. Her governess/tutor Kat Ashley tried to protect her from molestation.
  9. Her military commander, the 2nd Earl of Essex Robert Devereux, tried to overthrow her.
  10. Her chief of security, Sir Francis Walsingham, protected her many times.
  11. God appears to have figured heavily in her survival and success.
  12. Her sister Mary and her brother Edward, both ahead of Elizabeth in the line of succession, died early of natural causes.
  13. While the English navy could shoot enemy sailors, they couldn't sink the ships.  However, gale- force winds came along and dashed the Spanish ships into the coast of the Netherlands.
  14. Elizabeth's spies and allies seemed to be in the right places at the crucial times to hear or intercept dangerous communications.


Elizabeth:  The Virgin Queen, with David Starkey.  History – British Collection; 

American History:  English Settlers Establish Colonies in the New World; 

United States History:  Spanish Armada; 

"Power Broker" Series

By Michael Rollins January 18, 2021
2000 Nightmares and a Rising Sun
By Michael Rollins January 3, 2021
In Judges 13, a very important interchange between two individuals occurs. Interestingly, we are not provided with the names of either one. One is a woman, referred to as Manoah's wife, and the other is referred to as "The angel of the Lord". The angel appears to Manoah's wife, up to that time "barren and childless", and tells her that she is going to become pregnant and give birth to a son. "Now see to it that you drink no wine or other fermented drink and that you do not eat anything unclean. You will become pregnant and have a son whose head is never to be touched by a razor because the boy is to be a Nazirite, dedicated to God from the womb. He will the lead in delivering Israel from the hands of the Philistines." She tells her husband about the visitation and instructions, and Manoah prays to the Lord for the "man" to appear again and provide instructions. Interestingly, in answer, the angel does appear again, but once again it's to Manoah's wife, and she has to go get Manoah. The angel waits and when Manoah asks him for instructions, the angel begins with "Your wife must do all that I have told her.", repeats his instructions, and says "She must do everything I have commanded her.". In other words, the visitation to Manoah's wife should have been regarded as sufficient. Manoah proceeds to ask the angel his name and gets the reply "Why do you ask my name? It is beyond understanding." (Very interesting, right? One translation*: "You wouldn't understand -"). Manoah asks the angel to accept a meal, but the angel suggests that Manoah make an offering to the Lord. When Manoah offers a sacrifice, the angle jumps into the fire and ascends to Heaven, scaring the daylights out of Manoah. "We are doomed to die!", he said to his wife. "We have seen God!". But his wife answered, "If the Lord had meant to kill us, he would not have accepted a burnt offering and grain offering from our hands nor shown us all these things or told us this". So an unnamed angel visits an unnamed woman and entrusts her to an extremely important job. The woman then has to use logic to calm down her named, panicking husband (to whom the angel did not choose to appear directly to). The business of God does not have to conform to human convention, whether in a male-dominated society or otherwise. If the Lord understands that the reliable, calm, intelligent person is a woman instead of a man, that's completely His business. If the name of the angel and the name of the woman are not revealed, it doesn't detract from the extreme importance of the event and its results. Most Biblical text used here is from the New International Version *The Message version: "You wouldn't understand -" (Good News version: "... It is a name of wonder.")
By Michael Rollins December 26, 2020
The role of Helena and Constantine in the final conquest of Rome for Christ
By Michael Rollins December 24, 2020
A Quaker Saint
By Michael Rollins December 19, 2020
When a graceful arm raises a hammer
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